Therefore, for the first time in the country, technical orthopedic specialists were attracted to this center that began its work by following modern time standards and techniques with the cooperation of internationally renowned companies in the field of manufacture of different types of prosthesis.
The process of upgrading and improving the quality and quantity of services has so far continued in accordance to the current situation with the needs of the veterans. Also, as this center continues to expand, it is able to provide services to other clients all over the country.
The center is currently able to provide services in fields such as:
Lower limb prosthesis:
Manufacturer of prosthesis of forefoot, Syme, Knee, Below the knee (Modular, Filler), Canadine, Knee and above the knee with the joints (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, intelligent).
Upper limb prosthesis:
Manufacture of aesthetic, mechanical and electronic prostheses suitable for the levels of partial hand amputation, on the wrist, below the elbow and above the elbow.
Lower limb orthoses:
Manufacture of short braces with free joints and Klenzak.
Long braces with Drap lock joints and swiss lock of knee. Bilateral long braces with belt and mechanical hip joint. PTB & IWB brace, different splint types (AFO, KAFO and …) and medical shoe and insoles manufacturing. Service provider of prefabricated lower limb orthoses.
Spine orthoses:
Manufacture of LSO lumbar orthoses, Thoracolumbar orthoses (TLSO, Body Jacket, Milwaukee …), neck orthoses (Philadelphia …) And Provider of Spine Prefabricated Orthosis Services.
Upper limb orthoses:
Manufacture of preventive, supportive and corrective orthoses for use on wrists, hands, fingers, elbows and shoulders, burn orthoses, fractures and so on. And service provider of prefabricated upper limb orthoses.
Eye Prosthesis:
Manufacture of Hydroxy eye prosthesis, conventional and precast eye prosthesis.
After sales services and repair of all types of eye prostheses.
Modification and repair of Natural eye prosthesis. Hydroxy eye prosthesis Repair. Acrylic eye prosthetic fitting.
Hearing aid:
Prescribing, fitting and adjusting all kinds of analog, digital, back-and-in-ear hearing aids. Repair and service of all kinds of hearing aids, supply and supply of waterproof frames (in case of rupture of the tympanic membrane and middle ear discharge) and anti-acoustic frames. Consulting and providing diagnostic strategies, Tinnitus treatment, a method of its rehabilitation and prescription of a variety of covers.
Laboratory for analysis of walking:
Analysis of biomechanical status of the body, evaluation of standing posture and walking and providing an exercise program.
Wheelchair After Sales Service and Repair shop:
Providing services for repair of all kinds of mechanical, electronic and semi-electronic static wheelchairs, standard, active, stretcher and double-hand rims Wheelchairs. Set up of the wheelchairs, install and facilitate the movement of the wheelchair.
Name of department responsible : Mr. Reza Sheykhan
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Repair of electronic equipment including electronic wheelchairs, prostheses and electronic joints and etc.
Name of department responsible : Mr. Mohamad Reza Vahidian
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Wheelchair sales, wheelchair spare parts (insole, backrest, plastic parts for Sunrise and Mira wheelchairs, etc.), Examination and measurement to select the appropriate wheelchair, cane, cane accessories, books (exercise books and corrective movements and etc.), Prefabricated Orthotics Accessories, Prosthetic Parts (Joint, hand, etc.) Orthotics Parts (drap lock, swiss lock, pedal and pedal trail, semi pedal, etc.), Patient lifts, Wheelchair cushions.
Name of department responsible : Mr. Alireza Salimi
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Assessment of gait status of prosthetic lower limbs prior to prosthesis, physical examination of individuals to provide health care services in case of muscular abnormalities and deformity along the limb.
Name of department responsible : Ms. Soheyla Rashidi
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Prescribing, fitting and adjusting all kinds of analog, digital, back-and-in-ear hearing aids based on the latest prescription and adjustment practices of the world today and modern international standards- Full-service of repair and maintenance of hearing aids – Repair and service of all kinds of hearing aids, supply and supply of waterproof frames (in case of rupture of the tympanic membrane and middle ear discharge) and anti-acoustic frames. Consulting and providing diagnostic strategies – Tinnitus treatment, its rehabilitation methods and prescription of covers.
Name of department responsible : Mr. Hamid Raees Danayi
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Manufacture of acrylic, prefabricated (glass) prostheses, eye prosthetic fitting, eye prosthetic repairs
Name of department responsible : Mr. Mohamad Reza Vahidian
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Maintenance and repair of mechanical, electronic, static, wheelchair facilitators.
Name of department responsible : Ms. Maryam Shahnazi
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Manufacture of lower and upper limb, and spine orthoses and medical shoes and insoles
Name of department responsible : Mr. Reza kabiri
Working hours : Saturday to Tuesday (16: 30- Wednesday (15: 30- 07:30)
Description : Manufacture of upper and lower limb prostheses
Tehran – Resalat Highway – Bani Hashem three ways – Afshari St. (Saghdoosh) – corner of the Tenth Bostan – No 103 – Kosar Orthopedics and Prosthetic Center
Postal code: 1667913111
Call center:( 021 ) 22948007_8 , ( 021 ) 22948387_8 , ( 021 ) 22944253 , ( 021 ) 22946129 , ( 021 ) 22948762_3